Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Did You Miss Me? No? Hmmm...

Wow - Do I know how to neglect a blog, or what? There's no way I'll be able to recall everything that has happened in the last 3 months, but I suppose I can give you a good idea of what we've been up to.
On May 22nd, school let out for summer break. It's official: I am now the proud mother to a 4th grader, a 3rd grader and a Kindergartener. I seem to be handling the transitions my oldest two are making, but this whole Kindergarten thing is nearly enough to send me right over the edge. How is it that my baby is going to be 6 years old next month?! It just doesn't seem possible... Ugh.
Our summer has been filled with Vacation Bible School, various camps and lots of fun days at the pool. Thanks to some of our very generous friends who live in neighborhoods that have community pools, most of our pool days have been free! Free is good any time, but especially now. Sadly, I was "laid off" a couple weeks ago and things are pretty tight around here.
Our biggest concern, of course, is the kids' school situation for the upcoming school year. We've been honored to be part of the Pikes Peak Christian School family for 6 years now, and hope to continue to be part of it for many years to come. Private school is not cheap, though, and with the loss of about 1/3 of our annual income, we just aren't sure yet what will happen. We have a huge support system through friends, family and school staff and we know that God will continue to provide for us, even if that means a new school for the girls.
So.... Life is not ridiculously exciting, but I can't complain. We're all healthy and happy and so, so very blessed.
Brad and I are leaving for some time alone in Turkey Rock this weekend. I'll share some pictures of our trip and maybe even a few from the past few months. Love you all....

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