Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!

The weather this Halloween was amazing! Trick-or-treating was more fun this year for that reason alone... Thanks to the Moraleses for letting us tag along around their neighborhood, as it's nearly impossible to trick-or-treat in our "neighborhood" of 5 acre plots of land in between houses. Good times...

Sydney (Grumpy Fairy), Avery (Southern Belle), Jenny (Carmen's sister as a Pink Lady), Hailey (Goth / Dancer / Cutie Pie)???, and Ginna (Sharpay)

Too Cute...


Angie said...

Love the grumpy fairy! I'm gonna guess that was a last minute addition to the fairy costume! :)

Shell said...

Of course! She marches to the beat of her own drummer for sure. What a trouble maker...